Books are valuable sources to gain knowledge in depth
I started my coding learning journey by attending courses after courses, just try to fill my knowledge gap and boost my coding skills.
The thing is that it does help to increase my coding skills, but I somehow do not understand the whole procedure of what I am doing. This leaves me a scary thought of being in the middle of nowhere. Being fast is good and the sacrifice is that I do not have any foundation to lay on. The more energy and thought I put into these courses, the larger that thought becomes. After a year of doing so, I finally decide that it is time to make some modifications.
Realize that everything is created based on some same foundation
There are tons of technology out there that can perform the same tasks. Chasing those technologies is however not a good strategy (lesson learnt from my own tough experience). Thinking of new technology coming out every single day makes me even more frustrated. How can you force yourself to learn all these technologies all the time? If you do, please leave a comment on how to do it. I myself have not yet figured out such strategy.
Instead of learning new technologies all the time, I started again learning from TEXT BOOKS. These books give me the general pictures of the fundamental cores of these technologies. This according to my experience is an eye-opening lifetime achievement. I no longer have to learn new technologies and instead, trying to find similarities and differences in the core techniques, saving me tons of time to understand how they work.
People who wrote these books have spent a tremendous amount of time to do research
Trust me, writing a book is not that easy. Writing a technical book is even harder because it may meet controversial opinions from scientists and experts in the community. If some of the books are supported by its own community, then let’s have some believes on it. It might be obsolete and according to my experience, SQL is old but still working like a charm!
This create a habit that makes you work smarter
People nowadays adore independence. But have you ever stopped for a moment to ponder how independent you are and considered yourself as an independent learner?
Why opting for courses and videos hoping that they can help you out fast and furious, when you can dig out information on your own from tons of books and just not rely on any mentors or instructors. This helps you out a lot when you are in the workforce. No one will do you any favor when you are pushed to the corner. Try to listen to yourself, be independent from these externals and seek answers by actually putting your hands dirty.